User's Guide for filtered
Table of Contents
Principles of SVG
Filter Primitives
Color Matrix
Component Transfer
Convolve Matrix
Diffuse Lighting
Displacement Map
Gaussian Blur
Specular Lighting
is a program aimed at editing filters in SVG files. SVG
(Scalable Vector Graphics) is a XML-based vector graphics
format. SVG format is defined by World Wide Web Consortium, and
the full technical specification of the format is available at
SVG Files can be edited with several vector graphics
packages, for instance Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw. There
are also packages for editing SVG natively, such as Inkscape.
However, the problem with all the available software is poor
support for SVG filter effects. Filter effects are an
important feature in SVG that set the format apart from most
other vector formats. Cleverly used, they allow bitmap
graphics like effects, such as glows, drop shadows etc. and
much more, such as procedural texture generation. Since SVG is
a vector format, filter effects are resolution-independent,
and unlike bitmap files that can grow to be several hundred
megabytes, SVG files are relatively small even with high
resolution output.
In most of the tools, editing SVG filters is possible only in
the SVG source code format. This makes the task very
cumbersome and prone to errors, especially for graphic
artists. Creating SVG filters has been closer to programming
than designing, and in most of the tools artists are left with
a basic set of pre-defined filters to use. The aim of filtered
is to allow artists and graphic designers unleash the full
power of SVG filter effects in an usable and effective manner
by allowing visual editing of the filter effects.
A typical mistake with visual editing – usual in the first
visual HTML editors for instance – is to place restrictions
for the format in use. filtered
however allows access to all parameters defined by the SVG 1.0
W3C Recommendation.
of SVG filters
SVG is an XML format and thus can be edited as source code.
Another representation is the DOM (Document Object Model) tree,
that results when a file has been succesfully parsed. There are
lots of web resources available for understanding SVG format,
SVG web site at
is a good starting place. However, using
filtered doesn’t
require thorough knowledge of the format, understanding basic
principles is enough.
SVG files consist of various elements, such as groups, paths,
shapes etc. Filter is defined as one such element. To make the
format more effective, filters are not defined along with the
graphical elements to which they are applied, but earlier in a
document as a separate definition. This makes it possible to
use the same filter for several different graphical elements.
One SVG file can of course contain several filter definitions,
referenced by various elements within the file. So unlike for
instance a path element, which gets drawn when it is
encountered in the file, filter element itself doesn’t have a
visual representation, but is applied to a graphical element
that references it.
Filters can be applied to just the basic graphical elements
such as paths, or groups of elements. Using filters is easy,
just set the “filter” property of the element to reference to
the specific filter by its name. The way to perform this
depends of course on the editor in use, in source code the
notation for a filtered group is for instance:
<g filter="url(#MyFilter)" >
...elements in group...
Each SVG filter contains a selection of filter primitives that
actually define what the filter does. Filter primitives are
arranged into a sequence that defines the order of processing.
Each primitive has one output, and possibly a number of inputs
that are connected to other primitives of the filter. Each
filter primitive can take the output of any previous primitive
of the filter as its input. The primitive then performs some
image processing function on its input(s), and generates a
processed image to be used as an input for the successive filter
The filter itself has six “global” inputs, and one output.
The inputs are:
- Source graphic – the graphical element to which the
filter is connected.
- Background image – the background image over which the
element is drawn.
- Source alpha – the transparency of the source graphic.
- Background alpha – the transparency of the background
- Fill paint – the paint used for filling the source
graphic element.
- Stroke paint – the paint used for stroking the source
graphic element.
A note about background image: background image and alpha are
not necessarily available for a filter. To enable it, the
“enable-background” property of some parent container element of
the filtered graphic element has to have value of “new”. See
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification for more
The final output of the filter is the output from the last
filter primitive. In SVG file, the filter primitives are
represented as successive elements in the code, and in
filtered, they
are represented as elements stacked on top of each other, where
the final output is the result of the topmost primitive.
filtered basics
allows editing of only one SVG file at the time. Typically this
file is the file containing filter definitions for the vector
drawing package, but it can also be an SVG file where filters
are actually in use and whose filter definitions require
adusting. File operations, such as loading and saving, can be
accessed from the “File” menu.
As the file being edited doesn’t necessarily use the defined
filters at all, filters are displayed using a pre-defined
preset graphic. There is a number of presets in the program to
choose from. It is also possible to preview the filters using
the original graphics contained in the file being edited.
There can be a number of previews displaying various filters
with various presets visible at the same time – considering
this it is only a good thing that it is possible to edit only
one file at the time! New previews can be opened from the “New
Preview” item in the “Window” menu.
The filters are displayed using a layer graph window. The
layer graph shows the stack of filter primitives and
connections between them. Only one filter at a time is shown,
and it is possible to choose the filter to be edited from a
drop-down menu in the layer graph. Layer graph is visible when
the program starts, but if it is closed, it can be
re-displayed by selecting “Layer Graph” from the “Window”
Layer graph window has functions for adding, duplicating and
removing filters. Also filter settings can be edited. There is
similar functionality for filter primitives as well. Adding,
removing and duplicating primitives is done from the buttons
in the bottom of the layer graph. Filter primitive settings
are displayed by double-clicking the filter primitive.
The order of filter primitives can be changed by dragging
them around in the layer graph. The connections can be edited
by dragging from the input of a primitive to an output in a
primitive below in the graph. As there can be only one output
connected to each input, the existing connection will be
disconnected and a new connection is formed. (However, each
output can be connected to several inputs of primitives above
in the graph. Because of this, it is not possible to define
the connections by starting from an output of a filter
primitive.) When dragging the connections, the connection is
displayed with red if it doesn’t form an acceptable
connection, and in green when it does.
The operations related to filters and filter primitives can
also be accessed from the “Filter” menu.
The selection of filter primitives is defined by SVG standard,
and for some filter primitives the effects are not obvious. The
interface for filter primitive settings is modelled to support
all the features the SVG standard imposes, but rarely used
options are isolated behind “Additional Attributes” setting.
Adjusting the settings of filter primitives requires some basic
knowledge of image processing with other programs, such as Adobe
Photoshop. Also going through the example files provided with
filtered may help
in learning the effects and correct use of filter primitives.
More thorough explanation about filter primitives is available
at Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification.
Most of the attributes for filter primitives can be
undefined, which means that the default value will be used. A
checkbox on the right of the attribute defines whether the
attribute is defined or not. Some attributes are used for
defining two-dimensional values, such as units in x and y
direction. In such cases, it is often possible to leave the
later value blank, which means that the first value is used
for both dimensions.
Common additional attributes for all filter effects are X, Y,
Width and Height. These define the filter primitive subregion,
which is the area used for this effect. If filter primitive
subregion is not defined, the area defined in the previous
filter primitive is used. Filter Color Interpolation defines
the color space used for color interpolation.
SVG filter primitive name: feBlend
Blends together two input images using commonly used imaging
software blending modes. The available modes are normal,
multiply, screen, darken and lighten. Default value is normal.
Color Matrix
SVG filter primitive name: feColorMatrix
Applies a matrix transformation on the RGBA values of a pixel.
This can be used for various effects such as desaturating or
adjusting the hue of an image. The type of the effect can be
matrix, saturate, hueRotate or luminanceToAlpha. For matrix, the
values define a 5x4 matrix that is used for calculating the new
color value based on matrix arithmetic. Saturate provides a
desaturating effect using a single value between 0 and 1.
HueRotate rotates the hue of the color using a value defined in
degrees. LuminanceToAlpha transfers the luminance of a RGB image
to the alpha channel.
SVG filter primitive name: feComponetTransfer
Applies a transfer function for each channel of an image. The
function can be defined separately for each channel, for
channels to which it is not defined, the values won’t be
changed. Type identity provides a function that has no effect.
For type table, a table of values is used for linear
interpolation of values. For type discrecte, the table is used
for defining a step function consisting of n values. The table
size can be changed from the two buttons “+” and “-“ after the
table values. For type linear, two values, slope and intercept
are provided. Slope defines the slope of the function, and
intercept the value the function provides for 0 color value. For
type gamma, the function is an exponential function, whose
amplitude, exponent and offset can be defined.
SVG filter primitive name: feComposite
Performs a pixel-wise composition operation of two images using
Porter-Duff composition operations. The operations are over, in,
atop, out and xor. The operators basically define how to use the
alpha channels of two images when combining them.
Another operation, artihmetic, uses arithmetic function
result = k1*i1*i2 + k2*i1 + k3*i2 + k4 for determining the
colour. This can be useful for instance when combining images
produced with lighting operations with texture data.
Convolve Matrix
SVG filter primitive name: feConvolveMatrix
Defines a convolution matrix used for filtering the image. It
can be used for such effects as blurring, sharpening and
embossing the image. Order defines the size of the convolution
kernel. Kernel Matrix defines the matrix itself. Divisor is the
divisor for the matrix values, default value is the sum of all
values in the matrix. Bias is the bias value added to the result
of kernel operation (currently unsupported by Batik). Target X
and Y values define the position of the center cell of the
matrix, default is the center of the matrix. Edge Mode defines
the wrapping of the pixels at the edges of the area. Kernel Unit
Length is used for defining the pixel size used for the
operation. This is required in order to keep the results of the
operation resolution independent. Preserve alpha defines whether
the convolution is done also for the alpha channel or just for
RGB channels.
SVG filter primitive name: feDiffuseLighting
Performs a diffuse lighting operation using the alpha channel of
the input image as height data. Light can be one of the three
possible light types: feDistantLight, fePointLight or
feSpotLight. Lighting Color defines the color of the ligh.
Surface Scale defines the height of the surface data. Diffuse
Consant defines the brightness of the light. Kernel Unit Length
define the size of the pixel used for the operation.
Light type feDistantLight is defined with two angles that
define the direction of light. Light type fePointLight is
defined by giving a 3d position for the light. Light type
feSpotLight is defined by the 3d position of the light, 3d
position of the light target, Specular Exponent that defines
the fall-off of the light, and Limiting Cone Angle that
defines the size of the spot light cone.
SVG filter primitive name: feDisplacementMap
Displacement map displaces the first input image with a value
read from the second inut image. The size of the displacement is
defined with Scale value. The channels used for displacement in
X and Y direction can be selected with X Direction and Y
Direction settings.
SVG filter primitive name: feFlood
Fills an area defined by filter primitive subregion with color
and opacity defined by Filter Color and Filter Opacity. Filter
primitive subregion is defined by X, Y, Width and Height. The
flood operation takes one input image by the SVG specification,
but the contents of the input image are ignored, and are flooded
inside the area defied by the filter primiive subregion, and
left to transparent black outside the area.
Gaussian Blur
SVG filter primitive name: feGaussianBlur
Performs a gaussian blur operation on the input image. Blur Size
defines the amount of blur. Two values define the amount of blur
in x and y directions, and if only one value is provided, it is
used for both directions.
SVG filter primitive name: feImage
Produces an image source similar to source graphic using an
external image. The image can be either reference inside the SVG
document, in which case the Xlink Href is in the format
“#Reference”, or external document, in which case the Xlink Href
is an URL of the image, such as “file:///C:/SVG/MyImage.jpg”.
For external images, Requires External Resources must be set to
true. Xlink Role, Xlink Arcrole and Xlink Title are defined in
the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification.
SVG filter primitive name: feMerge
Merges together a number of inputs. The inputs on the left are
placed on top of the ones on the right. Number of Inputs defines
the number of inputs.
SVG filter primitive name: feMorphology
Performs “fattening” or “thinning” operation on artwork.
Operation defines whether the question is about “fattening”
(dilate) or “thinning” (erode). Radius defines the size of the
SVG filter primitive name: feOffset
Offsets the image by the amount defined by X Offset and Y
SVG filter primitive name: feSpecularLighting
Performs a diffuse lighting operation using the alpha channel of
the input image as height data. Light can be one of the three
possible light types: feDistantLight, fePointLight or
feSpotLight. Lighting Color defines the color of the ligh.
Surface Scale defines the height of the surface data. Specular
Consant defines the brightness of the light and Specular
Exponent defines the size of the specular hotspot. Kernel Unit
Length define the size of the pixel used for the operation.
See Diffuse Lighting for more information about light types.
SVG filter primitive name: feTile
Tile takes the input image and tiles it over the area defined by
X, Y, Width and Height. The size of the tile depends on the
filter primitive area defined in the input primitive, so in
order to get a tiling effect it may be necessary to adjust the
X, Y, Width and Height values of the input primitive.
SVG filter primitive name: feTurbulence
Produces a turbulence image using Perlin turbulence function.
This can be used for creating texture effects such as clouds or
marble. The Base Frequency defines the base frequencey of the
noise. Values close to 1 produde higher frequency noise and
values closer to 0 produce lower frequency noise. Number of
Octaves defines how many octaves will be used in the function.
Seed is the starting number for the pseudo random generator.
Tile Stitching defines if the turbulence generator tries to
stitch the turbulence tiles at their edges. Type defines the
type of the generated turbulence.